The First Date (2021)ART! (2025)The Radical Truth of Beauty (2025)Earthling (2013)Horizons and Sleet (2020)Shoes Cubed (2023)Bodies and Circles (2008)Hamburger Man (1992)What Really Matters (2023)Do You Trust Me (2020)Checkmate (1991)The Right Side (2020)Annie (2020)Kissing Booth (2025)Twenty Years (2001/2021)Milano (1989(My Jeans (2012)Former Monster Walks With Stilts (2020)Gary and Sis (2020)Funeral Dance of the Unskilled Carpenter (2010)Kick (2008)Composition 3 (2010)Connected to God Redux (2021)Trails (2025)Vamp (2021)Sarah Hypnotizes the Men (2023)Big Problem for Little Chicken (1991)Guava Map (2023)Jinsei (2013)Two Years in the LIfe of... (2001/2003)Personal Noise (2013)Glowing Mary (20023)Balloon Tasting - Glass Painting (2023)Brinsky Album Cover (2020)The Hermit Escapes the Divide (2023)Meditation (2025)My Friend Avoiding Her Own Flesh as It Becomes Symbolic of the Corporate World (2008)Submissive Serenade Speculum Flute (2013)
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